In article <>,
Paul Rudin  <> wrote:
>"Karin Lagesen" <> writes:
>> Hello.
>> I have approx 83 million strings, all 14 characters long. I need to be
>> able to take another string and find out whether this one is present
>> within the 83 million strings.
>> Now, I have tried storing these strings as a list, a set and a dictionary.
>> I know that finding things in a set and a dictionary is very much faster
>> than working with a list, so I tried those first. However, I run out of
>> memory building both the set and the dictionary, so what I seem to be left
>> with is the list, and using the in method.
>> I imagine that there should be a faster/better way than this?
>Shouldn't a set with 83 million 14 character strings be fine in memory
>on a stock PC these days? I suppose if it's low on ram you might start
>swapping which will kill performance. Perhaps the method you're using to
>build the data structures creates lots of garbage? How much ram do you
>have and how much memory does the python process use as it builds your
>data structures?

And if this is practical there should be no swapping problems,
as the working set will be a small fraction of the data used.

>There are other algorithms you can use that have better theoretical
>performance than using bisect for this particular problem, but you get
>into trade offs between executing things in python as opposed to C if
>you start to hand code things in python.

There are a lot of possibility, but they depend a great deal on
secondary conditions, like how often the 83 M dataset changes.

Groetjes Albert

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
alb...@spe&ar& &=n


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