Hi all,

Sorry for the short notice.

We (the Zope/Python Users Group of DC) are having a 
TurboGears 2 training class this weekend in Washington, DC USA
taught by core developer Chris Perkins.

Please consider attending! And, I would appreciate you spreading the
word to anyone you think may be interested as well.

Details are here:


And here is a taste:


The DC Python Meetup is pleased to present Turbogears 2 training, 
delivered by Turbogears core developer Christopher Perkins. You can 
register now at http://tg2-class.eventbrite.com/

Turbogears is a modern python web framework with a powerful ORM 
(the one and only SQLAlchemy), designer friendly templates, and a 
widget system that simplifies Ajax development. If you're a web 
developer interested in expanding your toolkit or a python developer 
who wants to dabble in the web space, this training is an excellent 
opportunity to learn an agile and mature web framework.

The training itself will be wonderfully practical, taking you from 
basic setup to a real application over the course of a day. You're 
invited to bring your own data, so that you can work with Chris to 
start migrating that legacy PHP app you have sitting around to 
Python beauty. This hands-on training aims to bring students up to 
speed with TurboGears 2, its administration interface, and touch 
common deployment scenarios. Students will also get to customize 
auto generated forms and tables.


I hope to see you there!

Alex, http://zpugdc.org

Alex Clark · http://aclark.net
Author of Plone 3.3 Site Administration · http://aclark.net/plone-site-admin


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