
Thanks for the quick reply.

On 10/05/2010 22:25, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
Just upgraded on my Windows 7 machine my copy of 2.6.4 to 2.6.5.

However doing sys.version still shows 2.6.4 even so python.exe is dated
19. March 2010 with a size of 26.624 bytes.

Is this a known issue?  Or did I do something wrong?
Look at the copy of python26.dll. This should be the new one; perhaps
you have another copy in the system32 folder?
The one in system32 is 2.6.5 and the one in c:\python26 is 2.6.4.

When will it install into system32?
Did the upgrade inform you that it was an upgrade, or did it warn you
that you would overwrite the previous installation?
It warned me that there is a previous installation.

Best regards


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