On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> I was, for that example, assuming that the user input "values" was
> being used in a select query and hence wrapped it with wildcard markers
> so that the phrase would match anywhere in the data field.

In said thread you wrote the following:

clauses = []
for nm in nameList:
       clauses.append(nm + " like %s")
where = " and ".join(clauses)   #could be " or "
valueList = ["%%s%" % vl for vl in valueList]
SQL = "select * from table where " + where
cur.execute(SQL, valueList)

Ok, so let's assume we have a name list of:

["name1", "name2", "name3"]

and a value list of:

["value1", "value2", "value3"]


clauses = ["name1 like %s", "name2 like %s", "name3 like %s"]
where = "name1 like %s and name2 like %s and name3 like %s"
SQL = "select * from table where name1 like %s and name2 like %s and name3
like %s"
valueList = ("%value1", "%value2", "%value3")
cur.execute("select * from table where name1 like %s and name2 like %s and
name3 like %s", ("%value1", "%value2", "%value3"))

Why do the values have that extra "%"?

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