On Jun 10, 2010, at 4:28 , Gregory Ewing wrote:

Brian Blais wrote:

In this whole discussion, I haven't seen anyone mention wax (http://

Just had a quick look at that. In the third example code box:

   def Body(self):
     self.textbox = TextBox(self, multiline=1, wrap=0)

Here's something unpythonic already: a couple of non-pep-8-compliant
method names.

And a bit further down:


Using a setter method instead of a property.

So while it's quite likely better than raw wxPython, it fails the
pythonicity test for me.

I hope I didn't imply that it was perfect. :) It's definitely much easier than raw wx, and I think it is a reasonable starting point. Some of the things that you pointed out are very easily fixed, and are there because of some wx quirks. AddComponent could easily be renamed to append, for the same meaning. Many other wx getters/ setters are done with properties or attributes, so it is in the right direction.

I wonder if that sort of philosophy would work: a really nice and
clear, pythonic wrapper around a sophisticated, complex, and complete
GUI framework. ... Depending on how it is designed, it might even be possible to have a multi-framework wrapping, so that someone could have a Qt-based wrapper, and another using the same module choose to have it
wrap wx.

That's more or less what PyGUI is meant to be, except that the
frameworks currently wrapped are Cocoa, Gtk and pywin32. There's
also a slight difference in emphasis, since PyGUI aims to leverage
platform functionality as much as possible, rather than rely on
a large third-party library that duplicates much of that functionality.

I've tried PyGUI about 6 months ago, and it seemed like a good start, but missing a lot of what I would need. I also am not very fluent in MVC (having developed all my bad GUI habits from years of matlab programming), so the structure wasn't particularly intuitive. I just tried it again a few days ago, and couldn't get it running on my system, which is a bit old (OS X Tiger).

Since many seem to be married to a particular GUI framework, I was just suggesting that a thin wrapper around the framework might be fruitful, with wax as a working proof-of-concept. That way, when there is a limitation, one can fall back on the underlying framework easily. Wrapping an already cross-platform framework would seem to get the most bang for the buck.

Brian Blais


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