On Mon, 16 May 2005 22:11:49 +1000, richard

>John Machin wrote:
>> richard wrote:
>>> John Machin wrote:
>>> > Sorry in advance if this is not the correct forum ...
>>> Quite. The support link for PyPI is in the sidebar of the site.
>> Tried that, when I was trying to register and getting strange error
>> messages about the user name, like "John Machin" and "John_Machin" were
>> not "ascii" [it finally permitted "sjmachin"]. The response volume
>> could not be likened to that of a fire-hose.
>You mean the request you put in two days ago?

Yes, that one.

> Sorry I've not got around to
>responding yet. It was admittedly low on my priority list because you were
>the only person reporting the issue (out of hundreds of successful
>registrations). I will now fill in the details you've just provided (ie the
>input you used which broke the interface) 

Not me, yer 'onour; it wuz broken already.

>so that when I get around to
>fixing it I'll know what I'm looking for.
>> Which is precisely how the file in question was generated:
>> setup.py sdist --format=zip
>Try without the --format arg. The code is being too paranoid.

Result: (A) produces a zip file with only minor differences
(presumably a timestamp):

C:\devel\xlrd\build\dist>fc /b  xlrd-0.3a1.zip
Comparing files xlrd-0.3a1.zip and F:\XLRD_DIST\XLRD-0.3A1.ZIP
0000000A: 59 B8
0000000B: B9 9E
0000000C: B0 AF
00009660: 59 B8
00009661: B9 9E
00009662: B0 AF

C:\devel\xlrd\build\dist>dir *3a1*.zip

16/05/2005  11:10p              39,436 xlrd-0.3a1.zip

C:\devel\xlrd\build\dist>dir f:\xlrd_dist\xlrd-0.3a1.zip

15/05/2005  07:53p              39,436 xlrd-0.3a1.zip

(B) Exactly the same result from the PyPI upload attempt.

> The code is being too paranoid

Which code (distutils or PyPI server) is being paranoid about what???


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