abhijeet thatte, 16.06.2010 20:41:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
You should start by writing down the XML structure that you want to build
for the above dict. That will make it clear what needs to be done.


      I need an xml file structure as below:

This is a very small part of the actual output I need.
Dicts which I am creating looks like =

Now, that really makes it clear what you want. You can try this:

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

    def to_xml_elements(d):
        elements = []
        # run through all items in the dict
        for name, value in d.items():
            element = ET.Element(name)
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                # this is a sub-dict => inject its content recursively
                element[:] = to_xml_elements(value)
                # normal value => insert as string value
                value_element = ET.Element(key)
                value_element.text = str(value)

        # return list of elements that were created from the dict
        return elements

I guess ElementTree is the best way to go about it. But have not found a
good reference on how to use it.

There's lots of info on the web. Start at the effbot site:




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