On 6/26/10 7:21 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message<mailman.2123.1277522976.32709.python-l...@python.org>, Tim Chase

On 06/25/2010 07:49 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

I see that you published my unobfuscated e-mail address on USENET for all to
see. I obfuscated it for a reason, to keep the spammers away. I'm assuming
this was a momentary lapse of judgement, for which I expect an apology.
Otherwise, it becomes grounds for an abuse complaint to your ISP.


Way to be a douchebag.

I was going to say something about the realities of this forum and its dual-nature and conflicting netiquette and on. But I decided it really just had no point.

So, I'm left with: wow. You kinda suck*, man.


   ... Stephen Hansen
   ... Also: Ixokai
   ... Mail: me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io
   ... Blog: http://meh.ixokai.io/

P.S. *Then again, I'm fairly sure anytime someone has a form letter which contains the words, "I expect an apology", there's some personal suck going on.


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