In article 
 rantingrick <> wrote:

> On Jun 30, 4:21 pm, geremy condra <> wrote:
> > Actually, I agree with this complaint though- it is much easier to type
> > spaces than parens.
> Oh Geremy please. If you're going to whine about something at least
> find something worth whining about! Yes a few more key strokes are
> needed. But print should have been a function from day one. The
> benefits of a print function over a print statement are obvious to
> those who seek the truth and lost on those who wallow in self pity. If
> it's that much trouble for you then pick up an editor that auto
> inserts parenthesis for you, or *gasps* write a routine yourself. Look
> i know masturbation makes you lazy, but geez!

Hey, guys (gals?), Don't any of you have typing utilities that will fill 
in text after you hit a special key-combination?  I get   print "  typed 
automatically by holding two modifier keys and hitting 'p' key.  Sounds 
harder than it is and it's really fast. So if I switch to Python 3 I 
would change that to   print(" .  

E.g. for the Mac there are programs (utilities that run in the 
background) like Quickeys and TypeItForMe that allow you to do all sorts 
of automatic inserting of commonly used text.  They're cheap and easy to 
use.  There must be something like this for Linux and Windows, no?

-- Lou Pecora

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