On 07/01/10 13:49, Stephen Hansen <me+list/pyt...@ixokai.io> wrote:

Hi, Stephen,

>> It may not be "the" primary concern, but elegance certainly is *a*
>> primary concern.
> I concur.
> Its not explicitly stated, but it is the Zen 0. This is further
> supported by its implied presence in many of the Axioms and Truths of
> the Bots.
> "Beautiful is better then ugly"; and then the praise of the explicit,
> of simplicity, of readability.
> Elegance is a prime concern of Python, as it is the natural result of
> the Doctrines of Pythonicity. It may not be stated as a rule, but it a
> the reward that we are given for following the path of enlightenment.

Isn't elegance somewhat equalent to perfection?
IMHO, if a language is perfect, it is elegant.

However, in the other sub-thread, you seem to be against being perfect
for Python. :)

Live like a child, think like the god.

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