It's still in the rough, but I wanted to give an update on my C++ extension generator. It's available at

The documentation is a little slim right now but there is a comprehensive set of examples in test/ (replace the k with a c. For some reason, if I post this message with the correct name, it doesn't show up). The program takes an input file like

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <module name="modulename" include="vector">
     <doc>module doc string</doc>

     <class name="DVector" type="std::vector&lt;double&gt;">
         <doc>class doc string</doc>
         <init overload=""/>
         <init overload="size_t,const double&amp;"/>
         <property name="size" get="size" set="resize"/>
         <def func="push_back"/>
<def name="__sequence__getitem__" func="at" return-semantic="copy"/>
         <def name="__sequence__setitem__" assign-to="at"/>

and generates the code for a Python extension.

The goal has been to generate code with zero overhead. In other words I wanted to eliminate the tedium of creating an extension without sacrificing anything. In addition to generating a code file, the previous input would result in a header file with the following:

extern PyTypeObject obj_DVectorType;
inline PyTypeObject *get_obj_DVectorType() { return &obj_DVectorType; }
struct obj_DVector {
    storage_mode mode;
    std::vector<double,std::allocator<double> > base;

    obj_DVector() : base() {

        mode = CONTAINS;
    obj_DVector(std::allocator<double> const & _0) : base(_0) {

        mode = CONTAINS;
obj_DVector(long unsigned int _0,double const & _1,std::allocator<double> const & _2) : base(_0,_1,_2) {

        mode = CONTAINS;
obj_DVector(std::vector<double,std::allocator<double> > const & _0) : base(_0) {

        mode = CONTAINS;

so the object can be allocated in your own code as a single block of memory rather than having a PyObject contain a pointer to the exposed type.

storage_type is an enumeration, adding very little to the size of the Python object (or maybe nothing depending on alignment), but if you add new-initializes="true" to the <class> tag and the exposed type never needs to be held by a pointer/reference (as is the case when the exposed type is inside another class/struct), even that variable gets omitted.

The code also never uses PyArg_ParseTuple or its variants. It converts every argument using the appropriate PyX_FromY functions. I noticed PyBindGen does the following when a conversion is needed for one argument:

py_retval = Py_BuildValue((char *) "(O)", value);
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(py_retval, (char *) "i", &self->obj->y)) {
    return -1;

On the other hand, here's the implementation for __sequence__getitem__:

PyObject * obj_DVector___sequence__getitem__(obj_DVector *self,Py_ssize_t index) {
    try {
std::vector<double,std::allocator<double> > &base = cast_base_DVector(reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(self));
        return PyFloat_FromDouble(;


(cast_base_DVector checks that base is initialized and gets a reference to it with regard to how it's stored in obj_DVector. If the class is new-initialized and only needs one means of storage, it's code will just be "return obj_DVector->base;" and should be inlined by an optimizing compiler.)

I'm really interested in what people think of this little project.

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