On 7/3/2010 1:48 PM, mo reina wrote:
an anyone recommend a resource (book,tutorial,etc.) that focuses on
application development in python? something similar to Practical
Django Projects, but for stand alone applications instead of web apps
(for now).

i'm in a bit of a funny place, i have a decent/good grasp of python
syntax and my logic isn't bad, but i have no clue on how to assemble
an application, i seem to be stuck on writing scripts.

i've looked at the source of a few projects but the flow is way over
my head, i understand the syntax but not the logic, which is why i'm
looking for a project-cenetered learning resource, instead of a
reference or language-feature resource. also, it seems that a lot of
app programming is 90% gui bindings, with very little actual code, or
am i totally way off mark?

If the app is a gui app and if logic is overly intermixed with gui stuff, I am sure it can seem like that. Many recommend the MVC model-view-controller model for app design. Even that can be confusing; to me it should be model-controller-view, even though that is harder to say. What are the data (values and objects) and how are they stored? What are the rules for manipulating the data and objects? And then, and only then, how to communicate with the user?

i recently picked up the django practical projects book, and in a few
days i re-wrote a website i did with django. i feel it was the book's
project-centric approach that made this possible.

Another issue is who controls the flow of interactions, the user or the code. For instance, a gui form used for input tends to direct the user along a linear path. The same form, used for edit, presents existing data and allows the user to pick and choose the fields to edit. This distinction, along with MVC ideas, is important for reading source code.

I have mostly seen this issue discussed in game reviews and game design writing. In computer games, there is the same general difference between a linear obstacle course game and a world to be explored in whatever order one wants. (And there are some with both an explorable world *and* a (somewhat optional) linear main quest line.)

I am not familiar with any general app design books, but I have seen game design articles and books that are on a par with writing about web design. There are other books on business apps.

Terry Jan Reedy


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