On Jul 7, 1:05 pm, david mainzer <d...@tu-clausthal.de> wrote:
> Dear Python-User,
> today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
> example from
> http://docs.python.org/tutorial/floatingpoint.html
> so i start the python shell on my linux machine:
> d...@maxwell $ python
> Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
> [GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> >>> 
> sum = 0.0
> >>> >>> for i in range(10):
> ...     sum += 0.1
> ...>>> >>> sum
> 0.99999999999999989
> But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
> then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
> 0.100000000000000005551115123125782702118158340454101562500000000000
> in python ... if i print it.

So you've identified one source of error here, namely that 0.1 isn't
exactly representable (and you're correct that the value stored
internally is actually a little greater than 0.1).  But you're
forgetting about the other source of error in your example: when you
do 'sum += 0.1', the result typically isn't exactly representable, so
there's another rounding step going on.  That rounding step might
produce a number that's smaller than the actual exact sum, and if
enough of your 'sum += 0.1' results are rounded down instead of up,
that would easily explain why the total is still less than 1.0.

> So i create an example program:
> sum = 0.0
> n = 10
> d = 1.0 / n
> print "%.60f" % ( d )
> for i in range(n):
>     print "%.60f" % ( sum )
>     sum += d
> print sum
> print "%.60f" % ( sum )
> -------- RESULTs ------
> 0.100000000000000005551115123125782702118158340454101562500000
> 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
> 0.100000000000000005551115123125782702118158340454101562500000
> 0.200000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125000000
> 0.300000000000000044408920985006261616945266723632812500000000
> 0.400000000000000022204460492503130808472633361816406250000000
> 0.500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
> 0.599999999999999977795539507496869191527366638183593750000000
> 0.699999999999999955591079014993738383054733276367187500000000
> 0.799999999999999933386618522490607574582099914550781250000000
> 0.899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375000000000
> 1.0
> 0.999999999999999888977697537484345957636833190917968750000000
> and the jump from 0.50000000000000*** to 0.59999999* looks wrong
> for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
> representation of the floating points in python?

Look at this more closely:  you're adding




The *exact* result is, of course


However, that's not a number that can be exactly represented as a C
double (which is how Python stores floats internally).  This value
falls between the two (consecutive) representable values:




But of these two, the first is closer to the exact value than the
second, so that's the result that you get.

You can convince yourself of these results by using the fractions
module to do exact arithmetic:

>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> tenth = Fraction.from_float(0.1)
>>> half = Fraction.from_float(0.5)
>>> point_six = Fraction.from_float(0.6)   # 0.599999999999
>>> point_six_plus = Fraction.from_float(0.6 + 2**-53)  # next float up, 
>>> 0.6000000
>>> sum = tenth + half     # exact value of the sum
>>> point_six < sum < point_six_plus    # lies between point_six and 
>>> point_six_plus
>>> sum - point_six < point_six_plus - sum  # but it's closer to point_six

> my next question, why could i run
> print "%.66f" % ( sum )
> but not
> print "%.67f" % ( sum )

That's a historical artefact resulting from use of a fixed-length
buffer somewhere deep in Python's internals.  This restriction is
removed in Python 2.7 and Python 3.x.

> can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

In CPython, it's stored as a C double, which typically means in IEEE
754 binary64 format.  (Of course, since it's a Python object, it's not
just storing the C double itself;  it also has fields for the object
type and the reference count, so a Python float typically takes 16
bytes of memory on a 32-bit machine, and 24 bytes on a 64-bit


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