On Jul 16, 12:15 am, nanothermite911fbibustards
<nanothermite911fbibusta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 11, 10:27 am, Xah Lee <xah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > you are a victum of the Microsoft hatred. A hatred spread by, Richard
> > M Stallman, and much of the unix people (although we should remember
> > that Richard Stallman hated unix, if not more thanMicrosoft, and
> > thehatredof unix was a major reason he started GNU's Not Unix, by
> ORACLE by Larry Ellison is a more dangerous monopoly with boundless
> Bill Gates is a decent family man and a genuine PHILANTHROPIST

They are all from Bronx


Larry Ellison

Larry EllisonAKA Lawrence Joseph Ellison

Born: 17-Aug-1944
Birthplace: Bronx, NY

Gender: Male
Religion: Jewish
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Business

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: CEO of Oracle

Larry Ellison was born out of wedlock to a 19-year-old mother, and
raised by her aunt. As a boy he showed an aptitude for math and
science, and as a young man he was a computer programmer for Ampex
Corporation. His primary project for Ampex was crafting a large-scale
database for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The database was
code-named "Oracle".

Ellison put up $2,000 of his own money to start Software Development
Laboratories in 1977, in partnership with Robert Miner, his boss from
Ampex. The new company was renamed Relational Software Inc. in 1979,
as it prepared to release Oracle Version 2, a commercial database
system -- but the company had never released a "Version 1" of Oracle.
Calling it "Version 2" was a marketing tactic, intended to convey the
notion that any initial bugs had been worked out. Oracle sold briskly,
and in 1983 the company renamed itself after its principal product.
Oracle Corporation went public in 1986, and was on the verge of
bankruptcy by 1990, when it was revealed that its revenues had been
overstated for several years. The company has since rebounded, and
been extremely profitable.

In 1996, Ellison took a month-long sabbatical, and spent most of his
waking time on-line. When he returned he'd decided that the 'net was
the next big thing, bigger than personal computers. Oracle started
reconfiguring its software for on-line data sharing, and for
adaptability to not-quite-computer products like TVs with internet
access and pocket internet devices. This strategy has made Oracle
still more profitable.

Oracle's main competitors are Microsoft and IBM, and one of Ellison's
passions is needling Microsoft. He's been a prominent proponent of
efforts to break Microsoft up for antitrust violations. "I think when
somebody breaks the law, they should be punished", says Ellison. He's
admitted hiring private detectives to gather information on
Microsoft's tactics, and charged that Microsoft funded pro-Microsoft
"grassroots" political action groups that were pressuring the Justice
Department to drop its antitrust prosecution. Microsoft responded that
Oracle might be funding anti-Microsoft political groups. Neener-
neener. David Theroux, president of the Independent Institute --
alleged by Ellison to be a Microsoft front -- said of Ellison,
"anybody who stoops to whatever was done here, cannot be trusted.
Oracle has apparently felt the need to employ back-alley tactics,
subterfuge, and disinformation in order to achieve its aims".

Ellison's net worth dropped about $3.5 billion after September 11, as
stocks plummeted and Oracle stock lost almost 50% of its value. It was
at this time that Ellison became a loud supporter of a U.S. identity
card, which -- he insisted -- would help prevent terrorism. Ellison
has offered to provide data-tracking software for the national ID card
free of charge (but with fees for maintenance and upgrades, of
course). As envisioned by Ellison, the national ID card would be
"optional" for native-born Americans, but mandatory for immigrants.

Ellison had a dispute with the city of San Jose, CA, and its airport,
when his personal jet violated the city's jet curfew law at least six
times. Noise control legislation makes it illegal for planes weighing
75,000 pounds or more to take off or land at San Jose International
Airport during overnight hours, but after Ellison sued, the city
granted him a special exemption to the law in 2001.

In 2000, Forbes listed Ellison as the world's second richest man,
worth $47 billion to Bill Gates's $60 billion. By 2007, Forbes had
Ellison slipping to fourth place, worth only $26 billion.

Close friend of Steve Jobs.

Mother: Florence Spellman (unwed mother, at age 19)
Father: Louis Ellison (adoptive father)
Mother: Lillian Ellison (adoptive mother)
Wife: Adda Quinn (m. 1967, div. 1974)
Wife: Nancy Wheeler (m. 1977, div. 1978)
Wife: Barbara Boothe (m. 1983, div. 1986)
Daughter: Megan Ellison
Son: David Ellison
Girlfriend: Adelyn Lee (later fired by an Oracle VP, she sued Ellison,
settled for $100k)
Wife: Melanie Craft (romance novelist, m. 18-Dec-2003)

    High School: South Shore High School, Chicago, IL
    University: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (two years,
dropped out)
    University: University of Chicago (one quarter, dropped out)

    Oracle CEO (1977-)
    Oracle President (1978-96)
    nCUBE CEO (1996-2002)
    nCUBE Majority Shareholder (1988-)
    Amdahl (1973-)
    Member of the Board of Apple (-2002)
    Member of the Board of Oracle (1977-, as Chairman, 1990-92 and
    Academy of Achievement (1997)
    Dreier for Congress Committee
    John McCain 2008
    Monday Morning PAC
    Obama for Illinois
    US Big Brother Award Greatest Corporate Invader

    Iron Man 2 (26-Apr-2010) Himself
    The Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires (12-
Jun-1996) Himself

Appears in articles:
Time, 23-Jun-2003, DETAILS: Eat... or Be Eaten -- Software mogul Larry
Ellison makes a hostile bid for a rival firm -- and predicts that
other tech giants will follow his lead (p.47, three pages), BYLINE:
Chris Taylor

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