On Jul 15, 7:58 pm, Karsten Wutzke <kwut...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> this is obviously a Python OO question:
> Since Python isn't stringly typed, single-dispatch isn't available per
> se. So is the "double-dispatch" Visitor pattern, which is usually used
> in OO systems to implement code generators. So, what is the de facto
> method in Python to handle source code generation?
> Karsten

You ask about code generation and you already had answers in that
area, but let me talk a bit about a simpler topic, traversing a
hierarchical file system. I think this is relevant (even if not
answering your question) if you want to get familiar with the Python
way. In the old days, the way to traverse a file system was through
the os.path.walk function. Here is what the docs say (from

os.path.walk(path, visit, arg)

Calls the function visit with arguments (arg, dirname, names) for each
directory in the directory tree rooted at path (including path itself,
if it is a directory). The argument dirname specifies the visited
directory, the argument names lists the files in the directory (gotten
from os.listdir(dirname)). The visit function may modify names to
influence the set of directories visited below dirname, e.g. to avoid
visiting certain parts of the tree. (The object referred to by names
must be modified in place, using del or slice assignment.)

As you see the documentation make explicit reference to the visitor
However a note below says:

This function is deprecated and has been removed in 3.0 in favor of

In other word, the visitor pattern is *not* the Pythonic way to solve
problem. The Pythonic way is to use os.walk, which converts the nested
structure in a flat structure. From the docs

This example displays the number of bytes taken by non-directory files
in each directory under the starting directory, except that it doesn’t
look under any CVS subdirectory:

import os
from os.path import join, getsize
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('python/Lib/email'):
    print root, "consumes",
    print sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files),
    print "bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files"
    if 'CVS' in dirs:
        dirs.remove('CVS')  # don't visit CVS directories

There is a big conceptual difference between os.path.walk and os.walk.
The first works like a framework: you pass a function to it and
is in charging of calling it when needed. The second works like a
os.walk flattens the hierarchical structure and then you are in charge
doing everything you wish with it.

os.walk is the Pythonic way, and you suggested to follow that
for instance elementTree and lxml (libraries for parsing XML data)
exactly that way. Actually one of the motivating examples for the
introduction of generators in Python was their use in flattening
data structure, i.e. exactly the pattern used by os.walk.

The message is stop thinking like in Java and start using idiomatic
Python. We are here to help.

         Michele Simionato

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