On 7/30/2010 7:46 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
Say a vector V is a tuple of 3 numbers, not all zero. You want to normalize
it (scale all components by the same factor) so its magnitude is 1.

The usual way is something like this:

     L = math.sqrt(V[0] * V[0] + V[1] * V[1] + V[2] * V[2])
     V = (V[0] / L, V[1] / L, V[2] / L)

What I don’t like is having that intermediate variable L leftover after the

So, instead of fooling around with error-prone, hard-to-type constructions, just delete the damn thing!

def L

Compare those foolproof 5 chars to what at first did not work right and even what did. And, as other said, in most real applications, you will normalize in more than one place. In fact, you may well want a vlen function.

def vlen(seq): return math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in seq))

Terry Jan Reedy


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