I have a database query result (see code below).  In PHP, I would have said

list(var1,var2,var) = $result

and each element in the list would be assigned to each of the named variables.  
I have my data coming out of the database, and I can see it is a list.  so my 
question is, instead of having to do the variable assignment as I have it here, 
is there a way more like PHP or am I stuck with it?

import sqlite3 as sqlite

        print "connecting to disk db ..."
        conn = sqlite.connect("netcomm.db")
        print "oops"

print "retrieving data"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('select * from net where NetNumber > 0')
list = cursor.fetchone()
print list
print len(list)
for item in list:
    print item
netNumber = list[0]
netType = list[1]
netConditions = list[2]
netStartLocal = list[3]
NCS = list[4]
NCS1 = list[5]
RADAR = list[6]
NetFreq = list[7]
Repeater = list[8]
Notes = list[9]

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