On 8/18/2010 1:38 PM, cbr...@cbrownsystems.com wrote:

To go the other way, if d = 1, then there exists integers (not
neccessarily positive) such that

a*x + b*y + c*z = 1

That fact is non-trivial, although the proof isn't *too* hard [1]. I found it interesting to demonstrate the simpler case (a*x + b*y = 1) by "instrumenting" the classic Python implementation of Euclid's Algorithm:

def show_gcd(a,b):
    find GCD of two integers, showing intermediate steps
    in both remainder and linear-combination forms
    while b:
        if a%b > 0:
            rem_form = "%d == %d*(%d), rem %d" % (a, b, a/b, a%b)
            equ_form = "%d == %d*(1) + %d*(-%d)" % (a%b, a, b, a/b)
            print "%3d %3d     %-30s %s" % (a,b, rem_form, equ_form)
        a,b = b, a%b
    print "\nGCD is", a

>>> show_gcd(124, 39)
124  39     124 == 39*(3), rem 7           7 == 124*(1) + 39*(-3)
 39   7     39 == 7*(5), rem 4             4 == 39*(1) + 7*(-5)
  7   4     7 == 4*(1), rem 3              3 == 7*(1) + 4*(-1)
  4   3     4 == 3*(1), rem 1              1 == 4*(1) + 3*(-1)

Performing successive substitutions, bottom to top, using the equations in the right-hand column:

  1 == 4*(1) + 3*(-1)

    == 4*(1) + (7*(1) + 4*(-1))*(-1)

    == 4*(2) + 7*(-1)

    == (39*(1) + 7*(-5))*(2) + 7*(-1)

    == 39*(2) + 7*(-11)

    == 39*(2) + (124*(1) + 39*(-3))*(-11)

    == 39*(35) + 124*(-11)

What could be simpler!  :-)


[1] http://math453fall2008.wikidot.com/lecture-3 ("GCD as a linear combonation" [sic])


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