On 30/08/2010 02:14, Νίκος wrote:
On 29 Αύγ, 21:44, MRAB<pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com>  wrote:
On 29/08/2010 06:34, Νίκος wrote:

On 28 Αύγ, 23:15, MRAB<pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com>    wrote:
On 28/08/2010 20:37, Íßêïò wrote:

On 22 Áýã, 10:27, Íßêïò<nikos.the.gr...@gmail.com>      wrote:
On 16 Áýã, 14:31, Peter Otten<__pete...@web.de>      wrote:

Íßêïò wrote:
# initializecookie
cookie.load( os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '') )
mycookie =cookie.get('visitor')

if ( mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos' ) or re.search( r'(cyta|
yandex|13448|spider|crawl)', host ) is None:

I checked and Chrome has acookienames visitor with a value ofnikos
So, i have to ask why the if fails?

Maybe it's because != != ==

Iwant ti if code block to be executed only if the browsercookienames
visitor fetched doesnt cotnain the vbalue of 'nikos'

Is there somethign wrong with the way i wrote it?

Please do help me with this too becaus eif i dont solve this my
website keeps count my each visit like iam a guest visitor!

Print out mycookie, repr(mycookie.value) (unless mycookie is None) and
repr(host). Then follow the code yourself to see whether the condition
is True.

print mycookie outputs 'None'

Thts weird because i check with the browser and the cookie is there!

Just because you can see it doesn't mean your code can.

print repr(host) outputs '78-236-176.adsl.cyta.gr'

repr(mycookie.value) (unless mycookie is None)

and also

print mycookie.value gives an error too. Maybe there is not a value

If mycookie is None, then it's not surprising that doesn't have 'value'.

In summary, mycookie is None, so:

      mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos'

is false (actually None, which is treated as false).

host == '78-236-176.adsl.cyta.gr', so:

      re.search(r'(cyta|yandex|13448|spider|crawl)', host)

finds 'cyta' and the search returns a match.

false or false == false

blabla... isn't executed.

Lets forget the 2nd or argument, ill put it off

so we have this now

if ( mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos' ):
     #do stuff as long as there ins't a cookie names visitor with a
value of nikos in the broswer

What does it mean practically that the mycookie equals to None?
That mycookie doesnt exist?

How should i write this if block to mkake sure it checks whether or
not the cookie exists?

Under what conditions do you want to execute the block?


    mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos'

will be true if:

    there _is_ a cookie, but its value isn't 'nikos'

I think that you want is to execute the block if someone else is
visiting. Correct?

How do you know when it _is_ you? There'll be a cookie which says it's

If so, then you want to execute the block if there isn't any cookie, or
if there's a cookie but it doesn't say it's you:

    not mycookie or mycookie.value != 'nikos'

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