On 31/08/2010 21:18, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 8/31/2010 12:33 PM, Aleksey wrote:
On Aug 30, 10:38 pm, Tobias Weber<t...@gmx.net> wrote:
whenever I type an "object literal" I'm unsure what optimisation will do
to it.

Optimizations are generally implentation dependent. CPython currently
creates numbers, strings, and tuple literals just once. Mutable literals
must be created each time as they may be bound and saved.

def m(arg):
if arg& set([1,2,3]):

set() is a function call, not a literal. When m is called, who knows
what 'set' will be bound to? In Py3, at least, you could write {1,2,3},
which is much faster as it avoids creating and deleting a list. On my
machine, .35 versus .88 usec. Even then, it must be calculated each time
because sets are mutable and could be returned to the calling code.

There's still the possibility of some optimisation. If the resulting
set is never stored anywhere (bound to a name, for example) then it
could be created once. When the expression is evaluated there could be
a check so see whether 'set' is bound to the built-in class, and, if it
is, then just use the pre-created set.

return 4

Is the set created every time the method is called? What about a
frozenset? Or tuple vs list? After how many calls per second does it pay
to save it at the module level? Would anybody else find this ugly?

Defining module level constants is considered good practice in some
circles, especially if is something you might want to change. That is
what function definitions are (as long as the name is not redefined.
This is different from having lots of module level variables.

To see what CPython does, you can use the dis module.


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