Ian Hobson a écrit :
Hi all you experts,

This has me beat. Has anyone any ideas about what might be going wrong?

This is code from within a windows service (hence no print statements - no sys.stdout to print on!).

I am trying to trace through to find where the code is not working. No stdout so I have to log to a file.

Then you'd be better using the logging module from the stdlib. And FWIW, you should try to make you code testable in a non-service context...

I have the following code fragments.

def log(message):
    f = open('d:\logfile.txt','a')
    f.write(message + "\n")

from DelNotePrinter import DelNotePrinter

The convention is to use all_lower_names for modules - having modules and classes with the same (case-sensitive) name can be very misleading.

note the order of the above - log is defined before the import.

And ? Do you think it will affect the imported module in any way ? Like, say, magically "inject" your log function in the DelNotePrinter module ?-)

Later in the  source

Where ?

I have

        log('disPrint is:'+disPrint)
        log('count is:'+count)

Do yourself a favor and learn string formating...

        printer = DelNotePrinter(disPrint,int(count))

The DelNotePrinter.py file cannot us log even though it is declared
as global.

In Python, "global" means "module-level", and it's only necessary when you want to rebind a module-level name from within a function or method.

 The code is...

# coding=utf8
#    DelNotePrinter = code to print delivery notes
  assorted imports removed for space reasons

Some of these imports surely explain why you don't just get a NameError when trying to call log() - wild guess : you have some "from xxx import *" statement that does import another callable named 'log'.

class DelNotePrinter(object):
    ''' Print Delivery Note on A5 in portrait '''
    def __init__(self,printer,copies):
        ''' create printer and painter '''
        global font,sm,log
        log('DelNotePrinter: starting')

        self.printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution)

If you want to access a name (function, class, whatever) defined in another module, you have to explicitely import it.

The file the log writes contains..
disPrint is:HP Deskjet 6940 series
count is:1
<class 'DelNotePrinter.DelNotePrinter'>

The > is followed by a newline and end of file! Where is the DelNotePrinter: starting message?

We can't tell - but you can get at least some hint, cf below

If I replace the opening of __init__ with
    global font,sm,log
        f = open('d:\logfile.txt','a')
        f.write('DelNotePrinter: starting' + "\n")
        self.printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution)

then the message IS written to the log file.

Obviously, yes. Now please add this to your code:

class DelNotePrinter(object):
    ''' Print Delivery Note on A5 in portrait '''
    def __init__(self,printer,copies):
        ''' create printer and painter '''
        global font,sm,log
        f = open('d:\logfile.txt','a')
        f.write('DelNotePrinter: starting' + "\n")

        # check what "log" is bound to in the currrent namespace
           "DelNotePrinter : log is '%s' from '%s'" % (
              log, log.__module__
        self.printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution)

I have read http://docs.python.org/reference/simple_stmts.html#global very carefully and I still don't understand.

The statement definition makes no sense if you don't understand namespaces and bindings:



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