bussiere bussiere a écrit :
i've got toto.py :

import titi
def niwhom():

and titi.py :

def nipang():

how can i know in titi.py that's it's toto.py that is calling titi.py
and the path of toto ?

You'd have to inspect the call stack. Not for the faint at heart...


why :

bidule.py :
class bidetmusique:

The naming convention is to capitalize class names, ie "Bidetmusique" or "BidetMusique"

<OT mode="even-more">
Heureusement qu'il n'y a pas grand monde ici pour comprendre le français, parce que comme nommage, ça bat des records, là !-)

truc.py :
X = __import__("bidule")

why exec("X.bidetmusique()") return none

exec doesn't "return" anything - it executes code in a given context, eventually modifying the context. Now given your above code, a new bidetmusique instance is indeed created, but since it's not bound to anything, it's immediatly discarded.

and X.bidetmusique() return an object ?

cf above

How could i do to make this string "X.bidetmusique()" return an object ?

exec is 99 time out of 10 (nope, not a typo) the wrong solution. You already found how to dynamically import a module by name (I mean, name given as as string), all you need know is to find out how to dynamically retrieve a module attribute given it's name as string. And the answer is "getattr":

# truc.py :
X = __import__("bidule")
cls = getattr(X, "bidetmusique")
obj = cls()
print obj



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