Am 16.09.2010 17:34, schrieb moerchendiser2k3:
> Hi,
> I have some trouble with Python on Snow Leopard (10.6.3). I compile
> Python as a framework(for 32/64bit) without any problems.
> But implementing the lib in my C app, I get the following error on
> linking:
> Undefined symbols:
>   "_Py_InitModule4_64", referenced from:
>       RegisterModule_BPY(char const*, PyMethodDef*, char const*,
> _object*, int)in i_moduleobject.o
> ld: symbol(s) not found
> I read a lot of stuff about this problem, but nothing helped me. My
> app is in 64-bit and I compiled Python for 32/64bit.

I'm skeptical that you did - if you really *had* compiled Python for
AMD64, this error would not have occured. Please use file/lipo to
verify that the Python library really is available as 64-bit code.


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