My apologies! I worte the email while doing 3 other things.

I haven't really tried anything to access this struct other than trying to
find different elements with ctypes.c_int.in_dll(dll, 'symbol') and access
the elements in the same way I do in C. I didn't think either of these would
work but hoped I would get some type of return that would give me a little
more info.

I have been using a cli to access the library from python and would just
send the image data via stdin and the parameters of the struct as command
line args. From C the struct is easily accessible through the class instance
(libraw::imgdata) and I tried similar variations with ctypes but just get
'function not found'. Makes sense though.

this works:

lr = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libraw)

handle = lr.libraw_init(0)

lr.libraw_open_buffer(handle, buf, len(buf)) # buf is an image read by
lr.libraw_unpack(handle, buf, len(buf))

# imgdata attampt. returns  "function 'imgdata' not found"


These are the 'exposed' functions, if that is the right term, and will
produce an rgb image. There are a few other functions but they are not
important atm.

I know I don't know what I'm doing with this but it will be worth it if I
can struggle through. Is there a way I can access this struct via python?
Alternatively I could also write a new function in libraw that can access
this struct and be exposed to ctypes.


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Simon Brunning

> On 22 September 2010 21:13, jay thompson <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I posted in regard to this in the past but it didn't go very far, no ones
> > fault, but I'm again atempting to make this work and could use some help.
> >
> > I would like to use libraw.dll (  version 0.10)
> from
> > python and can access all the functions fine and produce images but there
> is
> > a structure that holds all the process settings that I cannot access with
> > ctypes. I'm sure it's because I'm going about it the wrong way. I was
> > wondering if there was anyone in this list with experience with this sort
> of
> > thing that could point me in the right direction.
> A good start would be to tell us what you've tried, and what goes
> wrong when you try it.
> --
> Cheers,
> Simon B.

"It's quite difficult to remind people that all this stuff was here for a
million years before people. So the idea that we are required to manage it
is ridiculous. What we are having to manage is us."   ...Bill Ballantine,
marine biologist.

"It's quite difficult to remind people that all this stuff was here for a
million years before people. So the idea that we are required to manage it
is ridiculous. What we are having to manage is us."   ...Bill Ballantine,
marine biologist.

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