In <> Arnaud Delobelle <> writes:

>You could do something like this:

>deep_methods = {       
>    list: lambda f, l: tuple(map(f, l)),
>    dict: lambda f, d: frozenset((k, f(v)) for k, v in d.items()),
>    set: lambda f, s: frozenset(map(f, s)),
>    # Add more if needed
>    }

>def apply_method(f, obj):
>    try:
>        method = deep_methods[type(obj)]
>    except KeyError:
>        return obj
>    return method(f, obj)

>def deepfreeze(obj):
>    """Return a 'hashable version' of an object
>    return apply_method(deepfreeze, obj)

>def deephash(obj):
>    """Return hash(deepfreeze(obj)) without deepfreezing"""
>    return hash(apply_method(deephash, obj))

># Example of deepfreezable object:
>obj = [1, "foo", {(2, 4): {7, 5, 4}, "bar": "baz"}]
                           ^       ^
                           |       |
                           `-------`------- what's this?

>>>> deepfreeze(obj)
>(1, 'foo', frozenset({('bar', 'baz'), ((2, 4), frozenset({4, 5, 7}))}))
>>>> deephash(obj)
>>>> hash(deepfreeze(obj))

After fixing the missing """ in deepfreeze this code works as
advertised, but I'm mystified by the identity between hash(deepfreeze(...))
and deephash(...).  Without some knowledge of the Python internals,
I don't see how this follows.

More specifically, it is not obvious to me that, for example,


would be identical to


but this identity has held every time I've checked it.  Similarly
for other more complicated variations on this theme.

Anyway, thanks for the code.  It's very useful.


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