On 2010-10-12, Jonas H. <jo...@lophus.org> wrote:
> Just a few pointers, looks quite good to me for a newbie :)


> * Less action in __init__.

I'm a bit curious about this.  The __init__ functions in this are, at
least for now, pretty much doing only what's needed to create the objects
from their inputs.

> * Use `open` instead of `file` to open a file


> * Have a look at context managers for file handling (avoids doing 
> error-prune stuff like __del__)

Okay.  I wasn't at all sure the __del__ was needed.

> * Your `del` in line 464 is useless. A reference will be removed from 
> the object bound to the local variable 'source' anyway because of the 
> re-assignment.

Oh.  D'oh.  You can see the C programmer instinct there; that was the
sort of thing that would, in C, be:
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)

But of course, that doesn't work.  I guess that leads to a general question:
Is it safe for me to assume that all my files will have been flushed and
closed?  I'd normally assume this, but I seem to recall that not every
language makes those guarantees.

> * according to common Python style guides you should not use underscores 
> in class names.

Makes sense.  I was finding "CArgument" hard to read, and couldn't think
of a better name.

> * no need for 'r' in `open` calls ('r' is the default mode)


> * `line == ''` can be written more pythonic as `not line`


> * `str.{r,l,}strip` removes '\n\t\r ' by default, no need for an 
> argument here (line 440 for example)

Ahh, good to know.

> * you might want to pre-compile regular expressions (`re.compile`)

Thought about it, but decided that it was probably more complexity than I
need -- this is not a performance-critical thing.  And even if it were, well,
I'm pretty sure it's I/O bound.  (And on my netbook, the time to run this
is under .2 seconds in Python, compared to 15 seconds in shell, so...)

> * raising `Exception` rather than a subclass of it is uncommon.

Okay.  I did that as a quick fix when, finally having hit one of them,
I found out that 'raise "Error message"' didn't work.  :)  I'm a bit unsure
as to how to pick the right subclass, though.

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