[rearranged the responses in the right order]

Costin Gamenț, 09.11.2010 11:44:
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Costin Gamenț wrote:
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
Costin Gamenț, 09.11.2010 10:24:
Hi, I am trying to read a string as csv, but I encountered an odd
problem. Here's my code:

        csvfile = csv.reader(datastr.split('\n'), delimiter=';')
        r = ''
        for i in csvfile:
                for j in i:
                        print j
                print i[0]

the "print j" statement works, but "print i[0]" returns "IndexError:
list index out of range". Am I missing something?

Are you sure the output you get from the "print j" is from the same loop
iteration as the "print i[0]"? Try adding "i" to the output.

Thank you for your timely response. Yes, I am sure "i" and "j" are
from the same iteration. I should point out that "i" actually has 8
elements and that str(i) gives a nice printout.

Thank you all for your interest in my problem. As Peter pointed out,
there was one row with zero elements in it and that's where my problem
was (of course it was the very last row, hence my confidence I have
"good" data).

A classic "don't be sure before you've tested". ;-)



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