Dave Angel wrote:
On 2:59 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message<mailman.843.1289438674.2218.python-l...@python.org>, Tim Chase

Amusingly, as others have noted, you replied with an unobfuscated
email address.
would seem to be an independent, true record of what members of python-list would see of my posting, would it not? You would agree that it shows my e- mail address as obfuscated, would you not? So if you claim to be seeing an
unobfuscated e-mail address for my posting on python-list, you would be
lying, would you not?

On the link you specify, your email address has the word 'at' in it.

I subscribe to this list by email, in digest form. And your email address here has a real "@" in it. Don't be so free to call people liars when they're reporting what they actually see.

If you get this message directly, you can look at the TO: list. I just did a reply-all without editing anything.


Interesting -- Lawrence's email address is showing the .new_zealand in your To headers, and that's what came up just now when I replied to all; but when I reply to something directly from Lawrence, it has the .nz instead.


For those interested, I'm using Thunderbird on Windows boxen.

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