Mike Meyer wrote:

> Personally, I think anyone who has two variables whose names differ
> only in case should be shot. No, let me extend that - anyone who has
> two variables whose names would be pronounced the same should be
> shot. I've had to debug such code, and it ain't fun.

Here's a pair of targets for you:

 From "Software Engineering with Modula-2 and Ada", by Wiener & 
Sincovec, page 84:

     Col := column;
     Row := row;

It turns out that 'Row' & 'Col' are module-global variables holding the 
current cursor position, and 'row' & 'column' are elements of the record 
to which 'w' points.

Here's another corollary for Meyer's Law: Anyone who has two variables 
the name of one of which is, or could reasonably be understood to be, an 
abbreviation of the name of the other should be shot.


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