try using lxml ... its very useful

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Martin Kaspar <
> wrote:

> Hello commnity
> i am new to Python and to Beatiful Soup also!
> It is told to be a great tool to parse and extract content. So here i
> am...:
> I want to take the content of a <td>-tag of a table in a html
> document. For example, i have this table
> <table class="bp_ergebnis_tab_info">
>    <tr>
>            <td>
>                     This is a sample text
>            </td>
>            <td>
>                     This is the second sample text
>            </td>
>    </tr>
> </table>
> How can i use beautifulsoup to take the text "This is a sample text"?
> Should i make use
> soup.findAll('table' ,attrs={'class':'bp_ergebnis_tab_info'}) to get
> the whole table.
> See the target
> Well - what have we to do first:
> The first thing is t o find the table:
> i do this with Using find rather than findall returns the first item
> in the list
> (rather than returning a list of all finds - in which case we'd have
> to add an extra [0]
> to take the first element of the list):
> table = soup.find('table' ,attrs={'class':'bp_ergebnis_tab_info'})
> Then use find again to find the first td:
> first_td = soup.find('td')
> Then we have to use renderContents() to extract the textual contents:
> text = first_td.renderContents()
> ... and the job is done (though we may also want to use strip() to
> remove leading and trailing spaces:
> trimmed_text = text.strip()
> This should give us:
> print trimmed_text
> This is a sample text
> as desired.
> What do you think about the code? I love to hear from you!?
> greetings
> matze
> --

Nitin Pawar

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