On 4 jan, 11:15, Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckha...@dominolaser.com>
> Zdenko wrote:
> > Please, can anybody write me a simple recursive matrix multiplication
> > using multiple threads in Python, or at least show me some guidelines
> > how to write it myself
> No problem, I just need your bank account data to withdraw the payment and
> the address of your teacher whom to send the results. ;^)
> Seriously, things don't work like this. If you show effort, you will get
> help, but you don't get working solutions without even a bit of effort on
> your own.
> Start with a recursive algorithm, then make it multithreaded. Be prepared to
> make some experiments on how to distribute tasks to threads and collect
> them again.
> Uli


just have a look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication
and find out what parts can be parallelized ;)


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