Here is something totally the opposite of a nice one liner:

A hackish module with a bloated generator. Feel free to comment, so I
can learn the errors of my ways. Try not to be too mean though. Try to
think of the attached file as a demonstration of ideas instead of good
coding practices.

Don't be afraid to mention the good points too.

I tried to send an email with an attachment (to hide my shame) but I
kept getting email rejections.

# =======================================================

# list item to dict item generator
# I forget if generators are thread safe

# 2011-01 Jan-03

def check_slice_bounds(list_len, start, stop, step):
    """Incomplete slice checker."""

    # -----------------------------
    # force step to be non-None
    if step is None:
        step = 1

    # -----------------------------
    # force step to be non-zero
    if step == 0:
        step = 1

    # -----------------------------
    # in iterating over list to be converted to dict
    # where list == [key, value, key, value] or in case swap==True
    # list = [value, key, value, key]
    # actual stepping is one for key, and plus one more for value
    step = step * 2

    # -----------------------------
    # force step to be smaller then size of list or -size of list

    if step > 0:
        if step > list_len:
            step = list_len
        if step < -list_len:
            step = -list_len

    # -----------------------------
    # force step to be even for key, value iteration
    if step % 2 == 1:
        if step > 0:
            step = step - 1
            step = step + 1

    # -----------------------------
    # set start to default; depending on step direction (+x vs -x)

    if start is None:
        if step > 0:
            start = 0
        elif step == 0:
            start = 0
            stop = start
            start = -1

    # -----------------------------
    # set stop to default; depending on step direction (+x vs -x)

    if stop is None:
        if step > 0:
            stop = list_len-1
        elif step == 0:
            stop = start
            stop = -list_len

    # -----------------------------
    # convert "start" to equivelent positive index

    if start < 0:
        if start < -list_len:
            raise IndexError("IndexError: list index out of range:",
            start = list_len + 1 + start

    # -----------------------------
    # convert "stop" to equivelent positive index

    if stop < 0:
        if stop < -list_len:
            raise IndexError("IndexError: list index out of range:",
            stop = list_len + 1 + stop

    return (start, stop, step)

def gen(lyst, dyct=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None,
    lyst == list to convert to dict
    dyct == external dict to be updated
    start == starting index
    step == amount to move index by; usually +1 or -1 (times 2)
        could be a float if clever enough.
        if step equals zero it is converted to 1 to prevent
        an infinite loop.
        step will be reset to be an index inbounds of a list len()
    swap 2nd item with the first item in the yield

    # -----------------------------
    # Force into bool True or False from equivelent values

    if swap == True: swap = True
    else: swap = False

    # -----------------------------
    # check and set lyst slice/index bounds of start, stop, step

    start, stop, step = check_slice_bounds(len(lyst), start, stop,

    # -----------------------------
    index = start
    # -----------------------------
    while 0 <= index < len(lyst):
        next = index + 1

        if next == len(lyst):
            value = None
            value = lyst[next]
        key = lyst[index]

        # -----------------------------
        # update external dict if given

        if dyct is not None:
            dyct[key] = value

        # -----------------------------
        # effectively sway key with value == index, index+1 to index
+1, index

        if swap:
            newindex = yield (value,key)
            newindex = yield (key,value)

        # -----------------------------
        # process "newindex" variable if caller does a
        # gen.send(some_list_index) externally

        if newindex is None:
            index = index + (step)
        elif 0 <= newindex < len(lyst):
            # fix this to allow for negative index for negative
            # but don't forget to convert it to its corrosponding
            # positive index
            index = newindex
            # fix this so it doesn't error on index 0
            #raise IndexError("Index is out of range:", index)

        # -----------------------------
        # Ungracefully coerce end of iteration
        if step > 0:
            if index > stop:
                # fix to raise StopIteration
            if index < stop:
                # fix to raise StopIteration

# Example usage
testlist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 'a', 8, 'b']

# --------------------
d = {}
e = {y[0]:y[1] for y in gen(testlist,d)}
print d
print d
print 'next demo1'

# --------------------
d = {}
e = {y[1]:y[0] for y in gen(testlist,d)}
f = {y[0]:y[1] for y in gen(testlist,d, swap=True)}
print d
print e
print f
print 'next demo2'

# --------------------
d = {}
for x in gen(testlist,d):
    print x
print d
print 'next demo3'

# --------------------
d = {}
e = [y for y in gen(testlist,d,swap=True)]
print d
print e
print 'next demo4'

# --------------------
d = {}
e = gen(testlist,d)
    while pass
print d
#print 'next demo'

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