I confess that I haven't used php so someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Looking at the history of the two languages, it is my impression that php originated as a language for web/CGI development which eventually added features enabling it to be used (sparingly) as a general purpose language. Python on the other hand is a general purpose language that has added features, in the form of library modules, that enable it to be used as a web/CGI development.

Given these histories, one might ask, do you want to learn a new language for general purposes including web development, or do you want to learn a new language that is specifically focused on web/CGI? If the later, php will be an excellent choice, if the former, Python.

If you only want to learn one language, or at least only want to learn one at this time, Python seems like a more useful choice - but only if you work (or also work) on some applications other than web/CGI.


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