rantingrick schrieb:
On Jan 18, 12:25 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider <arndt.ro...@addcom.de>

rantingrick schrieb:

On Jan 18, 7:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider <arndt.ro...@addcom.de>

We DO need to consider the mobile market in this decision. Maybe it is
time for us to actually get on the cutting edge of GUI's. Maybe we
should head an effort to create a REAL 21st century GUI that can
handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility, and do it all whilst
looking very sharp! Sure we rob from peter to pay paul. We will use
Tkinters awesome API and geometry managers, wxPythons feature
richness, and any other code we can steal to make this work!

I am not sure whether this sarcasms or for real...,
so I'll take for genuine.

No this is real, albeit a bit fantastical. Thats probably why you
thought it was sarcasm :).

However, we need to start a revolution in the GUI world. Currently we
(as developers) are slaves to the OEM's and OS's. This must change. We
must unify GUI coding the same way OpenGL unified graphics coding.
Multiplicity is ruining any and all advancements in Graphical User
Interfaces. Sure multiplicity is great in emerging systems (language,
culture, GUI, etc, etc) However at some point  you must reign in this
multiplicity and harness the collective knowledge into an all
encompassing standard. OpenGUI is that standard.  It should be shipped
with every OS in the world. This is the only way we can have mobile,
desktop, and accessibility all combined into one beautiful package.
Then the contest come down to who can create the best abstraction API.

There has been no advancement in GUI-Design. Today it looks and
behaves just the way Bill Atkinson designed it.
Technical revolutions are made by disruptive thoughts,
which are never collective.
...The problem with gui-design:It requires an graphical artist,
a well versed writer, a software architect and a programmer.
The first two job description are the important ones.

...No OS-vender is going to allow that, it equals
lost control.

Tk is also doomed, and Tkinter isn't Tk.
You are right about keeping the separate geometry
managers, though.

For starters:http://kenai.com/projects/swank

This looks like a very young project (beta) and i could not find a
widget set. However i will investigate more. Thanks


However we need to think beyond even a Python community scale. This
problem is inherent in every language community out there. We to unify
the GUI standard. And we are a decade behind in development. (yes i am
completely serious about all of this!).

Then we did find common ground.

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