SMERSH009, 01.02.2011 05:23:
Hi, I'd love some help converting this code to the python equivalent:

private int getCSSCount(String aCSSLocator){
     String jsScript = "var cssMatches = eval_css(\"%s\",
     return Integer.parseInt(selenium.getEval(String.format(jsScript,

You are using Selenium RC here. I have no idea if there is a Python API to it or what that API looks like. The rest is just trivial code that you can map 1:1 to Python:

    def count_css_matches(css_locator):
        java_script_code = '''
            var cssMatches = eval_css("%s", window.document);
            cssMatches.length;''' % css_locator
        return int(selenium.getEval(java_script_code))

Although I'd simplify the JavaScript code somewhat to make it a plain expression.

If that's not what you want, please be more precise, or look at the CSS selectors in lxml that Jon Clemens pointed you to.



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