"Christian Heimes" <li...@cheimes.de> wrote
Am 24.02.2011 10:01, schrieb Peter Otten:
How do you prevent that a malicious source sends you

my_string = 'calc_area(__import__("os").system("rm important_file") or 100,


By using something like
http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496746-restricted-safe-eval/ . With
a combination of AST inspection and restricted builtins you can create a
restricted eval function that e.g. doesn't allow function calls, raising
or excepting exceptions and prevents access to members with a leading _.

Thanks, Christian. I had a look at that recipe, but I must say that Paul's suggestion is much simpler -

  from ast import literal_eval
  method_name = 'calc_area'
  args = literal_eval('(100,200)')
  result = getattr(my_inst, method_name)(*args)

In my case the arguments are all strings or integers, so it looks as if this approach should be safe. Do you see any problem with it?



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