Jim Anderson wrote:
> I have just installed Fedora Core 3 on my pc. Python runs
> fine, but when I try to run tkinter the tkinter library is
> not found. I tried installing python 2.4.1 and could not get
> tkinter to run there either.
> When I look through the build directories for 2.4.1, I find
> a lib-tk, but I do not find anything for tcl. In past releases,
> my recollection is that tcl/tk were part of the release and
> that if TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY environment variables were
> set right, then tkinter would work.
> Are tcl/tk still supposed to be an intergrated part of the
> python release?
> Do I have to download, configure, make, install tcl and tk
> packages to get tkinter running?
> Thanks for any suggestions in advance.
> Jim Anderson

On fedora tkinter is a separate package.

just do this (as root) and all will be well:-

yum install tkinter



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