Hi All--
I've been using PySol-4.40 for years, because that was the last Windows
installer version I could find.  My wife's been using it for almost the
same length of time.  That version's worked just fine on W98, W98SE, W2K
(server included), and WinXP SP1.

I upgraded to SP2 and pysol fails silently.  Running 'python pysol.pyw'
gives me this error: 

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "pysol.pyw", line 64, in ?
        imp.load_compiled("__main__", sys.argv[0])

ImportError: Bad magic number in C:\Program

I can't find any later version on google, although I turned up a thread
on this list regarding running pysol in a later version on W98.  I also
found http://avitous.net/software/pysol-windows/py23.shtml but the
version he has REQUIRES ActiveState python 2.2, even though he says he's
put together a version for 2.3--and of course, I'm running Python 2.4.

My wife's going to be force to upgrade to SP2 some of these days, and
she won't be happy if her solitaire doesn't work.  Does anyone have a
working version?  Anyone know what happened to Markus ... Oberhumer?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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