vm wrote in news:in4m1u$hsc$1...@news2.carnet.hr in

> def fun1(params_used_below_except_lk_and_lk2):
>     lk = 0.0
>     lk2 = 0.0
>     for raw_data, hist, freq in raw_data_hist_list:
>         lk2 = lk2 + fun2(some_constants_and_params_from_this_scope)
>         q = fun2(same_args_as_before)
>         lk = lk + q
>     print lk, lk2
> For some set of input parameters, This function with specific input 
> prints out the same constant twice (as expected):
> 15377.7424582 15377.7424582 (twice the same value)
> If I comment out lines q = fun2.... and lk = lk + q, fun1, with the
> same parameters, prints:
> 0.0 3.3469936856
> First value is expected, but I cannot understand how come the second 
> value is different in these two cases!

Clearly the value returned by fun2 (get_beta_func_fit_quality_hist_lk)
is different the second time you call it.

So it either depends on and modifies a global or a value referenced or 
contained in one of the arguments.



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