Actually I am trying to data communication between these 2 chips, but facing
troubles in deciding a protocol to do the same.
Do UART have any default protocols? For the moment I am trying to do it with
Strings but not sure if that's the right solution.


On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:43 PM, John Nagle <> wrote:

> On 4/11/2011 4:57 AM, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
>  VGNU Linux wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have two chips one understands Python and the other embedded C.I
>>> have connected both chips using UART serial communication channel,
>>> however I have no idea how data communication must be achieved between
>>> this 2 chips. As for example send using C chip string "Hello Python"
>>> which python chip easily understands and replies back a string "Hi C".
>>> I am pretty new to embedded systems can anybody help me understand
>>> data communication using UART.
>>> Thank in advance.
>    What do you want to do?
>    There are many serial protocols.  At the low end, you can
> send text. At the high end, you can send TCP over PPP.
> The Arduno crowd has some protocols of their own.  See
> "";.
>    Any useful protocol must be able to deal with errors
> on the link, either end restarting, and the other end failing
> to respond.  All those things happen frequently with serial
> ports.
>    What do you want to do?
>                                        John Nagle
> --

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