Am 13.04.2011 01:06, schrieb Ethan Furman:

--> def func():
--> var1 = something()
--> var2 = something_else('this')
--> return? var1.hobgle(var2)
--> var3 = last_resort(var1)
--> return var3.wiglat(var2)

This makes me think of a decorator which can mimic the wantend behaviour:

def getfirst(f):
    from functools import wraps
    def func(*a, **k):
        for i in f(*a, **k):
            if i: return i
    return func

# [BTW: a kind of "return decorator" would be nice here ;-)]

def func():
    var1 = something()
    var2 = something_else('this')
    yield var1.hobgle(var2)
    var3 = last_resort(var1)
    yield var3.wiglat(var2)
    yield "Even that did not work."

This has the advantage of being flexible about which condition to evaluate: maybe the func does return tuples of which only the 2nd part is relevant concerning the check. Then just do

def getfirst(f):
    from functools import wraps
    def func(*a, **k):
        for i in f(*a, **k):
            if i[1]: return i
    return func

def func():
    var1 = something()
    var2 = something_else('this')
    yield "first try", var1.hobgle(var2)
    var3 = last_resort(var1)
    yield "second try", var3.wiglat(var2)
    yield "default value", "Even that did not work."

Disclaimer: Untested, but you should get the idea.


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