On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Hans Georg Schaathun <h...@schaathun.net> 
> On Mon, 16 May 2011 23:42:40 +0100, Rhodri James
>  <rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> :  ...which is, of course, not exactly secure either.  A sufficiently
> :  determined hacker won't have much trouble disassembling a shared library
> :  even if you do strip out all the debug information.  By chance I'm having
> :  to do something closely related to this at work just at the moment; it's
> :  hard, but far from impossible.
> But then, nothing is secure in any absolute sense.

If you're talking security and not philosophy, there is such a thing
as a secure system. As a developer you should aim for it.

> The best you can
> do with all your security efforts is to manage risk.  Since obfuscation
> increases the cost of mounting an attack, it also reduces risk,
> and thereby provides some level of security.

The on-the-ground reality is that it doesn't. Lack of access to the
source code has not kept windows or adobe acrobat or flash player
secure, and they have large full-time security teams, and as you might
imagine from the amount of malware floating around targeting those
systems there are a lot of people who have these skills in spades.

> Obviously, if your threat sources are dedicated hackers or maybe MI5,
> there is no point bothering with obfuscation, but if your threat source
> is script kiddies, then it might be quite effective.

On the theory that any attack model without an adversary is
automatically secure?

Geremy Condra

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