Hi Tim,


Thanks for the reply and suggestions. I followed the patch provided by
you in issue 2528, but the code looks very tricky to me. Anyways I wrote
my Test.py script & tried only the def test_access_w(self): test case
which is defined under class FileTests(unittest.TestCase) by providing
my own directory path to check the write permissions on it.


I executed my But it failed with the following errors -


> python Test.py C:\temp\my_dir

test_access_w (__main__.FileTests) ... ERROR



ERROR: test_access_w (__main__.FileTests)


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "Test.py", line 14, in test_access_w

    f = os.open(dirpath, os.O_CREAT)

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\temp\\my_dir'



Ran 1 test in 0.000s


FAILED (errors=1)


Basically the os.open() function is failing to open a directory (In this
case my_dir). The directory has write permissions for the user. Attached
herewith is my Test script. Can you please suggest some simple python
code which checks the write permissions of a directory in a straight
forward way (Not by using unit tests)






Attachment: Test.py
Description: Test.py


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