On Tuesday, May 31, 2011 8:05:43 PM UTC-7, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Carl Banks 
>  wrote:
> > On Sunday, May 29, 2011 7:53:59 PM UTC-7, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >> Okay, here's a question. The Python 'float' value - is it meant to be
> >> "a Python representation of an IEEE double-precision floating point
> >> value", or "a Python representation of a real number"?
> >
> > The former.  Unlike the case with integers, there is no way that I know of 
> > to represent an abstract real number on a digital computer.
> This seems peculiar. Normally Python seeks to define its data types in
> the abstract and then leave the concrete up to the various
> implementations - note, for instance, how Python 3 has dispensed with
> 'int' vs 'long' and just made a single 'int' type that can hold any
> integer. Does this mean that an implementation of Python on hardware
> that has some other type of floating point must simulate IEEE
> double-precision in all its nuances?

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

It's not *possible* to represent a real number abstractly in any digital 
computer.  Python couldn't have an "abstract real number" type even it wanted 

(Math aside: Real numbers are not countable, meaning they cannot be put into 
one-to-one correspondence with integers.  A digital computer can only represent 
countable things exactly, for obvious reasons; therefore, to model 
non-countable things like real numbers, one must use a countable approximation 
like floating-point.)

You might be able to get away with saying float() merely represents an 
"abstract floating-point number with provisions for nan and inf", but pretty 
much everyone uses IEEE format, so what's the point?  And no it doesn't mean 
Python has to support every nuance (and it doesn't).

Carl Banks

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