Consider the following code:
for i in range(mylimit):
running pychecker gives me a 
Local variable (i) not used 
If I use 
for dummy in range(mylimit):
## or
for _ in range(mylimit):
I get no complaint from pychecker.      
I would welcome comments on best practices for this issue.
NOTE: I see much on google regarding unused local variables, 
however, doing a search for 'python _' hasn't proved fruitful.

I would like to see comments here specifically on the use for `range'

On a related note: from the python interpreter if I do
>>> help(_) 
I get 
Help on bool object:

class bool(int)
 |  bool(x) -> bool
 I'd welcome comments on this as well.

 :) I expect to be edified is so many ways, some
 of them unexpected.

tim at johnsons-web dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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