On Jun 13, 2:18 pm, kafooster <dmoze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am working on some medical image data, and I try to look into
> specific slice of   3d  *.raw image. I know voxels are 16 bit int, and
> dimensions are 352*470*96. I checked it in some pro medical image
> viewer, it is alright. However, with the code I use, I display just
> white noise image.(but worked well for other, 8bit raw image).
>  Also, printed size is half the original size, like it was 8 bit. I
> read some documentations on PIL, numpy etc but I think I just do not
> understand something.
> I open image data set, I change it to array, give it dimensions,
> dtype, and change it to image, right? I think there is something
> messed up in 'binvalues', but dont really know how to write it in
> simpler way.
> P.S.1
> If I want to change data type to e.g. 8 bit uint, is it just change in
> scipy.array? or it requires some more changes
> P.S.2
> Lets say I have my array of image data and want to save it to *.raw
> data set. is it array.tofile?
> Here is my code
> ############################
> import scipy as sc
> from pylab import *
> import array
> import Image
> fileobj = open("hand.raw", 'rb')
> binvalues = array.array('B')
> binvalues.read (fileobj, 352*470*96)
> data1 = sc.array(binvalues, dtype=sc.int16)
> data2 = sc.reshape(data1, (352,470,96))
> fileobj.close()
> print data2.size , data2.dtype
> im = Image.fromarray(data2[:,:,40])
> im.show()

Try using numpy arrays.

import numpy as np
import Image

image1 = Image.open("hand.raw", 'rb')
imshape = image1.size
npArray = np.array(image1.getdata())
npArray.shape = imshape

im = Image.fromarray(npArray)

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