[Sorry for over-quoting, I am not sure how to trim this properly]

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 09:30 am Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
>> Mel wrote:
>>> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>>> I *guess* that what you mean by "writable iterators" is that rebinding
>>>> e should change seq in place, i.e. you would expect that seq should now
>>>> equal [42, 42]. Is that what you mean? It's not clear.
>>>> Fortunately, that's not how it works, and far from being a
>>>> "limitation", it would be *disastrous* if iterables worked that way. I
>>>> can't imagine how many bugs would occur from people reassigning to the
>>>> loop variable, forgetting that it had a side-effect of also reassigning
>>>> to the iterable. Fortunately, Python is not that badly designed.
>>> And for an iterator like
>>> def things():
>>>     yield 1
>>>     yield 11
>>>     yield 4
>>>     yield 9
>>> I don't know what it could even mean.
>> <http://docs.python.org/reference/simple_stmts.html#the-yield-statement>
>> You could have tried to debug.
> I think you have missed the point of Mel's comment. He knows what the
> yield statement does. He doesn't know what it would mean to "write to" an
> iterator like things().
> Neither do I.

AIUI the OP is referring to write accesses to the iteration variable
(for want of a better term), not being aware what iterators are.


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