On 23/06/2011 16:07, Anurag wrote:
My application is a web based application for both windows and Linux.
The web part is developed using Django. So if Python does not support
it then any support for local sytem account authentication in Django?

I am looking for a common library for both Linux and Windows. Any help
will be Gr8

The two systems are sufficiently different in this kind of area
that any "common library" will basically consist of code like
this (hand-wavey):


import sys

if sys.platform.startswith ("win"):
  import win32security
  def is_valid_user (username, password):
    if win32security.LogonUser ( ... )

elif sys.platform.startswith ("linux"):
  import pam
  def is_valid_user (username, password):
    if pam.validate_user (...)


It's possible someone's put something together already,
but I'm not aware of anything.


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