Am 27.07.2011 14:18 schrieb John Roth:

Two comments. First, your trace isn't showing attempts to open .py
files, it's showing attempts to open the Curses library in the bash

Of course. My goal was to show that the OP's "problem" is not a python one, but occurs all over several programs.

> Maybe you also have a problem with the .py files,

Why should I?

> It's also not showing the program that's causing the failing open.

It is irrelevant, IMO.

It just shows that it seems to be common, even for the bin loader, to search for libraries to be linked to by trying to open them from several places. So every program call must be full of "failures" shown by the "audit program".

Second, the audit program is an idiot. There are lots of programs
which use the "easier to ask forgiveness" pattern and test for the
existence of optional files by trying to open them. This may be what
Bash is doing.

ACK. That is exactly what I wanted to show. (With the difference that this is probably nt the bash, but the linux loader trying to link a .so, but for the problem, it doesn't make any difference.)


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