On 27 Lug, 10:18, Steven Kauffmann <steven.kauffm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have written a small GUI application in python 3.x using the tkinter
> module. Program is running fine, but multiple instances of the program
> can now be created. I would like to reduce the number of instances of
> the program to only 1 instance. I know that this is possible by using
> a singleton class. This way it's possible to check if the program is
> already running or not.
> When I invoke the program and it detects that the program is already
> running, is it then possible to maximize the already running program?
> I can find a lot of examples about singleton classes in python on the
> web, but nothing about showing the already running application when 1
> instance of the program already exists. Is there a way to realize this
> in python?
> I'm now doing the development on a linux machine, but the final
> program should work on Windows.
> Cheers,
The multiprocesing  module could help you in making sure that two
instances of the same program are not started ( for instance using
multiprocessing.Queue) as well as to signal the already running
instance that it sould maximize its window ( for instance using
multiprocessing.Queue ). Just make sure that what you use is supoorted
on your target operating system(s).

However, the integration of any form of inter-process communication
with Tkinter main loop is going to be tricky ...



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